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Two new Jetway ITX mainboard have been released. The Jetway NC92-330-LF is identical to NC92-230-LF, but comes just like the Intel D945GCLF2 with Dual-Core 2x1.6Ghz CPU.
The new Jetway NC94-270-LF however is already equipped with the latest 45nm Atom CPU-generation and is fanless. The board also offers connectors for LVDS and HDTV. The additional DVI-D port offers Dual-Channel possibilities.
Jetway NC92-330-LF (with integr. Atom 2x 1.6Ghz CPU)
Jetway NC94-270-LF (with integr. Atom 1.6Ghz CPU, DualChannel (DVI+DSUB), LVDS, HDTV) [FANLESS]
Serener GS-L05
Fanless. For Intel ITX D945GCLF(2).
Serener GW-01
Fanless. For Intel ITX D945GCLF(2). IP67 !
Serener GW-01
Fanless. For VIA EPIA PX Pico ITX.
Serener GS-L05 (Fanless, for Intel D945GCLF(2))
Serener GW-01 (Fanless, IP67, for Intel D945GCLF(2))
Serener GS-L08 (Fanless, for VIA Pico ITX)
Just like the Nanovision displays this TFT display is connected to a Windows PC USB connector. The display is working as an additional display which can be added to the main display area on the left, right, upper or lower.
Century LCD-4300U (4.3" USB display)
These TFT monitors are connected to a Windows PC USB connector. The display is working as an additional display which can be added to the main display area on the left, right, upper or lower. The display can be swiveled in steps of 90°.
In addition, the UM-740 model comes with touchscreen and a microphone. It also has an earphone-output, which gets connected to the PC.
Nanovision UM-710 (7" USB Display)
Nanovision UM-740 (7" USB Touchscreen Display, microphone, webcam)
The new wireless-keyboard (2.4Ghz RF) convinces with its perfect handling and its compact design (261 x 240 x 11 mm).
CTFWIKE-2 Wireless RF-keyboard with mousestick (10m range) [DE-Layout] *Compact*
CTFWIKE-2 Wireless RF-keyboard with mousestick (10m range) [UK-Layout] *Compact*